Day Templates
The easy way to schedule recurring content
Day Templates store the scheduling structure and content of an entire day. They can be applied to other days in the Calendar, or used as default content, which keeps scheduling easy and consistent. The Day Template feature can be used in different ways. Let’s assume you want special content to be played at specific times each day and in between your default content should be shown. To do so you only need to create a Day Template, set it to default and schedule your content at the desired time slots. Now your default Day Template will be played during the defined times and in between your default Playlist will be shown.
Another typical use case for Day Templates in Creator is to create specific content templates for e.g. weekdays and weekends. Simply create the two needed Day Templates to fill the different days of your week with the contents you want. Filling the Calendar can take place by dropping the Templates to specific days, weekdays or calendar weeks.
In case your Calendar contains any scheduling gaps your default playlist will kick in and fill those gaps. To learn more about default content check out this previous Tip of the week.
Have fun with easy Day Template scheduling
Tip of the Week
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